Leading Investment Disruptors
Top 4 investments changing society: Food Delivery, Home Delivery, Ridesharing, Home Fuel Delivery>>
Gas Station Closures shifts to FuelAmerica
There are some 240 million vehicles in the US and 167 thousand gas stations, therefore if you fill an average once a week this means 240 million vehics / 167 thsnd stations /7 days that makes around 200 customers per day. Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia are banning new gas stations. FuelAmerica projects 100 vehicles would use our services as Gas Stations are affected from Banned legislation. According to DOT Gas usage/person in those banned states average miles driven as follows: LA 850, AL 922, MS 1,177, GA 937, SC 986. At 15 gallons per customer we would provide - 52,722,000 gallons from those affected states/yr